kmongo / org.litote.kmongo.coroutine / projection


inline fun <reified F : Any> CoroutineCollection<*>.projection(property: KProperty<F?>, query: Bson = EMPTY_BSON, options: (CoroutineFindPublisher<SingleProjection<F>>) -> CoroutineFindPublisher<SingleProjection<F>> = { it }): CoroutineFindPublisher<F> (source)

Returns the specified field for all matching documents.


property - the property to return

query - the optional find query

options - the optional CoroutineFindPublisher modifiers

a property value CoroutineFindPublisher

inline fun <reified F1 : Any, reified F2 : Any> CoroutineCollection<*>.projection(property1: KProperty<F1?>, property2: KProperty<F2?>, query: Bson = EMPTY_BSON, options: (CoroutineFindPublisher<PairProjection<F1, F2>>) -> CoroutineFindPublisher<PairProjection<F1, F2>> = { it }): CoroutineFindPublisher<Pair<F1?, F2?>> (source)

Returns the specified two fields for all matching documents.


property1 - the first property to return

property2 - the second property to return

query - the optional find query

options - the optional CoroutineFindPublisher modifiers

a pair of property values CoroutineFindPublisher

inline fun <reified F1 : Any, reified F2 : Any, reified F3 : Any> CoroutineCollection<*>.projection(property1: KProperty<F1?>, property2: KProperty<F2?>, property3: KProperty<F3?>, query: Bson = EMPTY_BSON, options: (CoroutineFindPublisher<TripleProjection<F1, F2, F3>>) -> CoroutineFindPublisher<TripleProjection<F1, F2, F3>> = { it }): CoroutineFindPublisher<Triple<F1?, F2?, F3?>> (source)

Returns the specified three fields for all matching documents.


property1 - the first property to return

property2 - the second property to return

property3 - the third property to return

query - the optional find query

options - the optional CoroutineFindPublisher modifiers

a triple of property values CoroutineFindPublisher