kmongo / org.litote.kmongo.rxjava2 / com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoCollection

Extensions for com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoCollection


Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out stage, the returned iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be executed even if the iterable is never iterated.

fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.aggregate(vararg pipeline: String): AggregatePublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.aggregate(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg pipeline: String): AggregatePublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.aggregate(vararg pipeline: Bson): AggregatePublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.aggregate(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg pipeline: Bson): AggregatePublisher<TResult>


Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.bulkWrite(vararg requests: String, options: BulkWriteOptions = BulkWriteOptions()): Maybe<BulkWriteResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.bulkWrite(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg requests: String, options: BulkWriteOptions = BulkWriteOptions()): Maybe<BulkWriteResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.bulkWrite(vararg requests: WriteModel<T>, options: BulkWriteOptions = BulkWriteOptions()): Maybe<BulkWriteResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.bulkWrite(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg requests: WriteModel<T>, options: BulkWriteOptions = BulkWriteOptions()): Maybe<BulkWriteResult>


Counts the number of documents

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.countDocuments(): Single<Long>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.countDocuments(clientSession: ClientSession): Single<Long>

Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.countDocuments(filter: String, options: CountOptions = CountOptions()): Single<Long>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.countDocuments(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, options: CountOptions = CountOptions()): Single<Long>


Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.createIndex(key: String, options: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Maybe<String>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.createIndex(clientSession: ClientSession, key: String, options: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Maybe<String>


Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteMany(filter: String, options: DeleteOptions = DeleteOptions()): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteMany(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, options: DeleteOptions = DeleteOptions()): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteMany(vararg filters: Bson?, options: DeleteOptions = DeleteOptions()): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteMany(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg filters: Bson?, options: DeleteOptions = DeleteOptions()): Maybe<DeleteResult>


Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOne(filter: String): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOne(vararg filters: Bson?): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOne(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg filters: Bson?): Maybe<DeleteResult>


Removes at most one document from the id parameter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOneById(id: Any): Maybe<DeleteResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.deleteOneById(clientSession: ClientSession, id: Any): Maybe<DeleteResult>


Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.

fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(fieldName: String): DistinctPublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(clientSession: ClientSession, fieldName: String): DistinctPublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(fieldName: String, filter: String): DistinctPublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(clientSession: ClientSession, fieldName: String, filter: String): DistinctPublisher<TResult>
fun <T : Any, TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(field: KProperty1<T, TResult>, filter: Bson = EMPTY_BSON): DistinctPublisher<TResult>
fun <T : Any, TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.distinct(clientSession: ClientSession, field: KProperty1<T, TResult>, filter: Bson = EMPTY_BSON): DistinctPublisher<TResult>


Create an index with the given keys and options. If the creation of the index is not doable because an index with the same keys but with different IndexOptions already exists, then drop the existing index and create a new one.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(keys: String, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(clientSession: ClientSession, keys: String, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(keys: Bson, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(clientSession: ClientSession, keys: Bson, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(vararg properties: KProperty<*>, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureIndex(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg properties: KProperty<*>, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable


Create an IndexOptions.unique index with the given keys and options. If the creation of the index is not doable because an index with the same keys but with different IndexOptions already exists, then drop the existing index and create a new one.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureUniqueIndex(vararg properties: KProperty<*>, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.ensureUniqueIndex(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg properties: KProperty<*>, indexOptions: IndexOptions = IndexOptions()): Completable


Finds all documents that match the filter in the collection.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.find(filter: String): FindPublisher<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.find(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String): FindPublisher<T>

Finds all documents that match the filters in the collection.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.find(vararg filters: Bson?): FindPublisher<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.find(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg filters: Bson?): FindPublisher<T>


Finds the first document that match the filter in the collection.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(filter: String = KMongoUtil.EMPTY_JSON): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String = KMongoUtil.EMPTY_JSON): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(filter: Bson): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: Bson): Maybe<T>

Finds the first document that match the filters in the collection.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(vararg filters: Bson?): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOne(clientSession: ClientSession, vararg filters: Bson?): Maybe<T>


Atomically find a document and remove it.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndDelete(filter: String, options: FindOneAndDeleteOptions = FindOneAndDeleteOptions()): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndDelete(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, options: FindOneAndDeleteOptions = FindOneAndDeleteOptions()): Maybe<T>


Atomically find a document and replace it.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndReplace(filter: String, replacement: T, options: FindOneAndReplaceOptions = FindOneAndReplaceOptions()): Maybe<T>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndReplace(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, replacement: T, options: FindOneAndReplaceOptions = FindOneAndReplaceOptions()): Maybe<T>


Atomically find a document and update it.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndUpdate(filter: String, update: String, options: FindOneAndUpdateOptions = FindOneAndUpdateOptions()): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneAndUpdate(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, update: String, options: FindOneAndUpdateOptions = FindOneAndUpdateOptions()): Maybe<T>


Finds the document that match the id parameter.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneById(id: Any): Maybe<T>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.findOneById(clientSession: ClientSession, id: Any): Maybe<T>


Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.insertOne(document: String, options: InsertOneOptions = InsertOneOptions()): Completable
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.insertOne(clientSession: ClientSession, document: String, options: InsertOneOptions = InsertOneOptions()): Completable


Get all the indexes in this collection.

fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.listTypedIndexes(): ListIndexesPublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.listTypedIndexes(clientSession: ClientSession): ListIndexesPublisher<TResult>


Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.

fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.mapReduceTyped(mapFunction: String, reduceFunction: String): MapReducePublisher<TResult>
fun <TResult : Any> MongoCollection<*>.mapReduceTyped(clientSession: ClientSession, mapFunction: String, reduceFunction: String): MapReducePublisher<TResult>


Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOne(replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOne(clientSession: ClientSession, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOne(filter: String, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOneById(id: Any, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOneById(clientSession: ClientSession, id: Any, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. The id of the provided document is not used, in order to avoid updated id error. You may have to use UpdateResult.getUpsertedId in order to retrieve the generated id.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOneWithoutId(filter: Bson, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.replaceOneWithoutId(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: Bson, replacement: T, options: ReplaceOptions = ReplaceOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Save the document. If the document has no id field, or if the document has a null id value, insert the document. Otherwise, call replaceOneById with upsert true.

fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.save(document: T): Completable
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.save(clientSession: ClientSession, document: T): Completable


Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateMany(filter: String, update: String, updateOptions: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateMany(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, update: String, updateOptions: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateMany(filter: Bson, vararg updates: SetTo<*>, updateOptions: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateMany(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: Bson, vararg updates: SetTo<*>, updateOptions: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(filter: String, update: String, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, update: String, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(filter: String, target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: String, target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(filter: Bson, target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(clientSession: ClientSession, filter: Bson, target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T : Any> MongoCollection<T>.updateOne(clientSession: ClientSession, target: T, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateOneById(id: Any, update: Any, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>
fun <T> MongoCollection<T>.updateOneById(clientSession: ClientSession, id: Any, update: Any, options: UpdateOptions = UpdateOptions()): Maybe<UpdateResult>


Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into..

fun <NewTDocument : Any> MongoCollection<*>.withDocumentClass(): MongoCollection<NewTDocument>